I had a few experiences similar to this as a child. My most vivid was when I was hovering above my parents’ bed while they slept. I was so excited, I yelled, ‘look Mum & Dad I can fly!’ Only my voice wasn’t coming from where I was floating, but from my bedroom nextdoor. I looked at the large mirror on our adjoining wall, but I couldn’t see my reflection, there was nothing where my body should have been! I realised my body was still in my own bed and I panicked, suddenly it was like I whooshed through the wall, then gently sunk into the heaviness of my body. My feet felt like they were hovering just above my physical feet before sinking back into them. My dad came in to check on me as he must have heard me call out. I was embarrassed so I pretended to be asleep 😅 It felt too real to be a dream. Possibly an OBE? Dream or not, I wish I could purposely trigger an OBE-like sensation through meditation, to escape the chronic pain and heaviness in my body. I was searching for this when I found your story. Thanks for sharing ☺️